The body knows—perhaps the nose knows—what bud it wants. It is one thing to choose based on looking at a list of strains—or even looking at the buds. It is a completely other thing to get your nose in, sniff away at a bunch of buds, and wait for that internal click signaling bud and user are in concert (at least for that session). Super Buff Cherry picked me, its aroma, scent, the biological dialogue it had with me, pulled me in and held me. This was an aroma of berries, most notably blue berries, vanilla cream and the mild body odor resulting from the excitement of matching with a mate. I did not actually look at the bud until I selected it—and when I did what I saw was beautiful: deep grape purple buds, springy, expertly cured, with a noticeable slight stickiness when broken apart. The flavors are delicious and consistent: intense cherry, with the complementing accents of cream, nutmeg and cloves.